Dr Stephanie Anderson, EU Security Researcher, Joins Gold Mercury International

Dr. Stephanie Anderson, Associate Professor of Political Science, and specialist in International Relations and the European Union at the University of Wyoming, has joined the Gold Mercury as an International Advisory Board member.


Nicolas De Santis and Stephanie Anderson.


Dr. Stephanie Anderson, Associate Professor of Political Science, and specialist in International Relations and the European Union at the University of Wyoming, has joined Gold Mercury as an International Advisory Board member and as a BRAND EU programme Ambassador.  

Her research focus is on the European Union (EU) as an international actor, international relations, and security issues.Her research focus is on the European Union (EU) as an international actor, international relations, and security issues. In 2008, she published the book Crafting the EU Security Policy:  In the Pursuit of European Identity (Boulder, CO:  Lynne Rienner, 2008).  Her book is based on research she did while a Senior Fulbright Research Scholar at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP).

Her second book is co-authored with Rob Godby, The Economics and Politics of the Eurozone Crisis (Budrich, 2015).  She has also published in several journals and edited volumes including Armed Forces and SocietyThe SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Affairs, and European Foreign Affairs Review. 

Dr. Stephanie Anderson holds a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, an M.Sc. in International relations from the London School of Economics, and a B.S.F.S. from Georgetown University. In addition, she holds certificates from the University of Strasbourg III and from the Institute of European Studies at the Free University of Brussels.

Prof. Anderson brings more than twenty years of experience researching the European Union to BRAND EU. She has a great passion for Europe and for the EU as a project of international peace and security. She will be a great asset to our Advisory Board and our BRAND EU Programme
— Nicolas De Santis, President Gold Mercury

It is an honour to support the work of Gold Mercury and the BRAND EU programme. The EU is a vital actor in international affairs, especially in the area of peace and security. BRAND EU can play an important role in communicating what the European Union does more clearly to its citizens and the world
— Dr Stephanie Anderson, Associate Professor of Political Science, and specialist in International Relations and the European Union at the University of Wyoming


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